Principle 3 (GRI 407): Boliden should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining

All of Boliden’s employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements.

More information can be found in GRI disclosure 103-2&3.

Principle 4 (GRI 409): Boliden should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor

Under no circumstances may forced and compulsory labor be employed or used in Boliden’s operations, directly or indirectly through business partners.

More information can be found in GRI disclosure 103-2&3.

Principle 5 (GRI 408): Boliden should uphold the effective abolition of child labor

Under no circumstances may child labor be employed or used in Boliden’s operations, directly or indirectly through business partners. All business partners must comply with this by agreeing to Boliden’s Business Partner Code of Conduct. Any business partner may be subject to visits or third-party audits at the business partner sites to ensure compliance.

More information can be found in GRI disclosure 103-2&3.

Principle 6: Boliden should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

Boliden does not accept any form of harassment, discrimination or other behavior that may be regarded by colleagues or close relatives as abusive or degrading. Boliden and its employees shall refrain from all forms of discrimination and harassment on the basis of gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or any other factor.

More information can be found in GRI disclosure 103-2&3.


The Safety Savvy program
– training of informal leaders

A strong safety culture is characterized by a value-driven leadership that trusts employees’ ­ability to act in relation to risk, health and safety.

In late 2019, the Boliden Tara Mines sent 10 volunteers from the operation to train as Safety Savvy Ambassadors. The week long training was provided by RMS Switzerland and it prepared 10 participants, most of whom had no previous presenting experience, to deliver the prescribed Safety Savvy Training on-site at the Tara Mine, Ireland. Since then, the Safety Savvy Trainers have successfully delivered weekly group training to employees from all areas of Tara. ’Engaging’ is the term most used in the course evaluations being returned by the participants. Participants are also responding positively to the fact that training is being delivered by their peers, who are familiar with the operation on the ground. Safety Savvy training format is behavioral based and relates to people’s home lives as much as their work life. It identifies some of the major risk factors that we all encounter in our daily lives and provides tools to protect ourselves. Similar training of informal leaders have also been held on Boliden units in Norway and Sweden.

Safety Savvy Ambassadors from Boliden the Tara mine