
We have zero-tolerance toward all forms of discrimination and take decisive corrective action when incidents occur.

Our approach to non-discrimination

We do not accept any form of harassment, discrimination or other behavior that may be regarded by colleagues or close relatives as abusive or degrading. All our employees shall refrain from all forms of discrimination and harassment based on gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or any other factor. It is the responsibility of all Boliden employees to comply with the guidelines set out in our Anti-Victimization Policy.

Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

Our Diversity Policy states that if a discrimination incident should occur, the affected employee shall initially raise the matter with their manager and then with the company’s HR function, or through the whistleblower reporting system ­(accessible via the intranet and Boliden’s external website).

Four incidents of discrimination were reported through formal grievance mechanisms during 2022. All four were reviewed, and for two of the incidents, remediation plans were implemented, with results reviewed through a routine management review processes. In total two of the reported the incidents were resolved during the reporting period. One of the discrimination incidents were reported through the whistleblowing channel.