Sustainability topics and their boundaries

At Boliden, “sustainability topics” are issues that reflect our financial, social and environmental impacts, as well as issues that can affect assessments and decisions made by stakeholders.

We have identified sustainability topics that can affect our business model – both positively and negatively – by monitoring and assessing the business context, stakeholder expectations and sustainability trends.

Our work with each of the defined sustainability topics is strategically planned, and the topics are managed and controlled by Boliden’s operations. All topics are assigned a "direction", that sets a coherent ambition on where we want to go and what we want to achieve. There are also targets set for the majority of the topics, to be able to measure our sustainability progress.

We regularly consult prioritized stakeholder groups on our sustainability performance from a broader perspective. These stakeholders are asked to comment on Boliden’s performance, risks and opportunities to drive further improvement. The sustainability topics are integrated throughout the organization and are approved by Group Management.

Our sustainability topics are based on our business model, and take into consideration the risks and opportunities identified by business intelligence and risk mapping, as well as applicable requirements and expectations such as:

  • Stakeholder expectations
  • Current and potential legislative trends
  • ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and 50001 standards and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC® COC-000122)
  • OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-affected and High-risk Areas
  • GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative)
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • UN Global Compact
  • ICMM Mining principles


Compared to 2021, updates were made in some of the sustainability topics to make them even more relevant. The topic "Market presence" and "Indirect economic impact" were merged into one topic, now called "Socio-economic impact". Also, the titles of the topics "Financial responsibility" and "Anti-corruption and fair competition" were modified to be more inclusive. None of the updates have resulted in any reporting changes.

 Boliden's identified sustainability topics and directions






Financial responsibility

Contribute to long-term economic growth by providing metals that are important for society’s sustainable development. Pay the right amount of tax at the right time.


Capital markets

Boliden ensures its access to financing and sustainable loans. Be the preferred metal and mining investment.


Legal framework & compliance

Always meet permit values and legal requirements. No significant environmental incidents.

16.2, 16.4, 17.17

Anti-corruption & fair competition

Promote and monitor compliance throughout the company by following the Code of Conduct, and Boliden’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Program. Contribute to free and fair competition.


Business partner Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) assessment

Promote transparent business partner governance. Expect business partners to follow Boliden’s Business Partner Code of Conduct.

12.2, 12.4, 12.5, 16.2, 16.5

Strategic partnerships

Create a positive financial, environmental and social impact through Boliden’s business relations.

17.16, 17.17




Circular economy & resource usage

Contribute to the circular economy through recycling and by maximizing metal recovery from the available raw materials. Invest in and promote the development of new products and minimize waste.

8.2, 8.4, 9.4, 12.1, 12.2, 12.5-12.8

Extractive waste & slag

Minimize waste. Tailings facilities to comply with the global industry standard on tailings management.


Energy & climate

Implement and maintain energy management systems to achieve energy efficiency and conserve energy. Provide society with low-carbon metals. Reduce carbon dioxide intensity through improved process efficiency and
increased electrification with the aspiration to create a fossil-free mine.

7.3, 13.2, 13.3


Reduce the consumption of fresh water and the discharge of used water. Maintain water management plans. Reduce discharges of metals to water.



Contribute to increased biodiversity by 2030 in all regions where Boliden operates.


Air pollution emissions

Reduce emissions to air through improved process efficiency.









Occupational health & safety

Provide a safe and healthy workplace.



Zero tolerance for all forms of harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation or any other factor.

5.1, 8.5, 8.8

Talent attraction & retention

Provide an attractive workplace. Facilitate career and skill development. Foster workforce diversity that reflects the local community.

5.1, 8.5, 8.8

Sustainable business growth &
stakeholder relations

Maintain good community relations and the effective management of Boliden’s operations. Ensure a social license to operate.

11.3, 11.a

Socio-economic impact

Contribute to the local and regional economies in which we operate both directly and indirectly, as well as through tax payments.


Rights of indigenous peoples

Promote open dialogue and long-term cooperation with indigenous peoples in order to mitigate the impacts of Boliden’s mining activities on local people and the environment.


Resettlement & closure planning

Plan for the conservation and reclamation of mining areas during their operation and end of production lifespan.

11.3, 11.4,
14.2, 15.5